Friday, February 12, 2010


Looks like there is something interesting going on. Shawn seems to be amused while joshua looks bored, leaning against the pillar.

Nice smile you got there, Bryan!Seems like you are in a good mood today.

The plants are well cared by the person in charge as they seems so beautiful and arranged in a neat way

The best time to take a photo

In the early morning and late afternoon, when the sun is low, the light is gold and orange, giving your shot the warmth of a log fire. Professional photographers call these the 'magic hours' and most movies and magazine shots are made during this brief time. It takes extra planning, but saving your photography for one hour after sunrise, or one to two hours before sunset, will add stunning warmth to your shots.

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  1. The photos are average ( I think), you did not use the photography rules well

  2. I agree with jonathan but the photos you took are quite nice and I don't object you to taking my photo and by the way we are supposed to take photos of people.

  3. I feel that some of the photographs such as the third one, had no use of the photography rules. In the first and second photographs, I think that the rule of thirds was only applied a little.

  4. i agree with Joshua. all three photos do not really make use of the techniques given.

  5. In the first two photos, the techiques were not really put into use but the third picture did use the diagonal rule.
    P.S. I did not say that to go against Shamus and Joshua Ma

  6. there is some hints of the golden section rule in the first photo but i other photo,there is no rules present.No hard feelings…

  7. Contrast; photo 2 and 3 is too bright. Photo 1: try not to have things blocking the screen.

  8. Thx for the comments! I will try to improve on it. Cheers!
